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National Chinese American Hero Foundation (NCAHF)


CAPSC and the Outstanding Mothers Committee have joined together with the families of Zach Zeng and Jeffrey Lam to establish the National Chinese American Hero Foundation (NCAHF). The National Chinese American Hero Foundation (NCAHF) pays homage to the heroes who defend our national ideals through encouraging academic excellence in the local community.


The aims of this Foundation are:


  • To pay tribute to Zach Zeng and Jeffrey Lam, and other heroes who have given their lives in the service of our country.


  • To offer financial assistance to the families of those who died fighting for our nation’s freedom and ideals.


  • To encourage young Asian Americans to serve the community with the same courageous spirit as the honored heroes.


  • To recognize those who have devoted themselves to the community and the nation, and served as inspirational figures to young Asian Americans.


Types of Outreach:


  • Our fundraising events regularly solicit donations for providing scholarships to local youths as well as raise the organization’s community profile.

  • The National Hero Foundation also hosts different events to encourage our youths to become active, confident and ambitious members of society.


The Scholarship:


Those who show academic excellence, exhibit special talents in a particular field, or are highly active in community service are all eligible for the National Hero Scholarship.


華裔國家英雄基金會    National Chinese American Hero Foundation (NCAHF)


緣由 :  為感念曾喆和林宏呈為國家及社會所做的犧牲和奉獻,紐約市華人家長學生聯合會與所屬模範母親聯誼會,及曾﹑林家屬發起成立華裔國家英雄獎學金。   

宗旨 :

  1. 緬懷曾﹑林兩位英雄,犧牲奉獻的大愛精神,進而鼓勵我華裔青年子弟對生命認真負責的態度。

  2. 對於為國犧牲的華裔子弟家屬提供必要的協助及幫忙。

  3. 鼓勵在美國的華人,正面積極的對我們的國家—美國,盡一份心力作出最大的回饋。

發展 :  

   1. 籌募基金健全華裔國家英雄基金會,為社會做更多更廣的服務。

   2. 舉辦各類活動,鼓勵青年學子積極進取,珍惜時光,培養勇敢自信的生命品質。


獎學金發放標準 : 舉凡青年在學習和才藝有出色表現,或對國家社會有熱心奉獻,以及對國家有重大貢獻者,皆是國家英雄基金鼓勵的



The main goal in establishing the National Chinese American Hero Foundation (NCAHF) is to encourage young Chinese Americans to learn responsibility and develop their potential.  This would allow them to contribute more to their family, society, and the nation.  It also allows talented local youths to enter mainstream society and help break the glass ceiling of American society.


A long-term goal of the NCAHF is to build a core of talented, idealistic, and committed young students. Over time, all the students who benefitted from the NCAHF will form a community and can work together to help one another achieve academic and economic success. Because these students are identified in part for their commitment to community service, they will invariably then return to local communities using their skills to help improve local welfare.

2005 Mother’s Day Speech in Honor of Lance Corporal Jeffrey Lam

Chinese American Parent-Student Council (CAPSC) 
41-70 Main St., Suite B320, Flushing, NY 11355, USA
Tel: (718)423-7210
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